Weekly Update

Last week before school starts… both for Olivia and I. I’ll be at PAFA on Wednesdays this year teaching a class that readies first year students for the Art world, first by showing them the resources at PAFA (of which there are many) and then the resources in Philadelphia and beyond. I try to teach this class as the “everything I wish I learned during my first year of art school” class and therefore always look forward to teaching it. Anyway, because it is the last week before school starts, Olivia and I have been trying to squeeze in some last Summer bits while we can, including a trip to Member’s Night at the Philadelphia Zoo.

Seconds Sale

The rest of my week has been primarily devoted to getting my Seconds Sale ready for tomorrow, Sept 1. This required gathering everything, photographing it, and listing it in my online shop so that it will release on Thursday at 11am EST. Everything is ready to go and while I’m always nervous that nothing will show up when it turns 11, it always does (because I refresh obsessively until it does.)

Upcoming Workshops

There are only 2 spaces left in my upcoming Animal Sculpture workshop, which is taking place on October 1st and 2nd at Union Hall Arts!

Work in Progress

I finished the clay sculpture for Spectrum III and it is currently waiting to be fired. Fingers crossed.

Upcoming Miscellany

You can vote for my piece CHAMBER XXXVI Bring the motherfucking ruckus for the Beautiful Bizarre Art Prize People’s Choice Award HERE until September 9th.

Also, Paul (my love, who has been hard at work on all the things) was just recently in an episode of The Mastodon Podcast HERE.