Studio // Work in Progress... (Like drywall...not art)

Looking back through images of studios past (HERE and on my old blog) always has me a bit nostalgic… Spaces where we create can be magical, and I always wanted that for each space I’ve had as a studio.

My old studio on Amber Street 2008 - 2012 (ish?)

My current studio(s) have been utilitarian since we’ve moved in… I’ve made my spaces within them but am battling one leaky corner and another wall that never quite became a real wall. This month I’m trying my best to tie up all my loose ends in the space and make it feel like my studio…and not just the room in the house that I’m allowed to make messy.

Here’s some process so far:

Before: Fake fabric wall while I decided whether to build this out as cabinets or leave it a wall. Exposed duct work. Hot mess.

Getting closer… Walling in the walls. Building a soffit for the ductwork.

Drywall. We are already beyond this initial ugly phase but I don’t have any updated photos. I love spackling but hate sanding.

I think making a space your own is so important to the creative process. It sounds a little woo woo but if you feel happy and comfortable in a space, of course it will be easier to create there. I’m also looking forward to getting some online classes filmed in here once I’m done but more on that soon.